Women Empowerment

In collaboration with the L’Oreal Fund, we continue to strengthen the empowerment of women in Villa Ojo de Agua.

Our workshop cycle has begun with new proposals designed especially for the women of this community. Each week, teachers Eugenia and Cristina offer workshops at our headquarters, focusing on the creation of amigurumis and productive skills.

Every Wednesday, Cristina guides participants through various crochet-making techniques. The groups are divided by skill level, from beginners to advanced, to improve their abilities and allow their creations to stand out, thus becoming a source of income.

On the other hand, Eugenia travels from Buenos Aires to Santiago to share her knowledge in the productive meetings, where women learn to transform their skills into ventures that boost their economy. These workshops not only foster learning but also generate collaborative bonds, ensuring that all can achieve their goals.

Join us in this mission of empowerment and growth. Together, we are building a more prosperous and equitable future for all.


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