Fundación Solidaria para el Progreso Social San Genaro (hereinafter, Fundación San Genaro), located at Malaver 3502, Vicente López (Buenos Aires), CUIT No. 30-71451412-8, is committed to preserving personal data and guaranteeing the privacy of all its users as provided in this Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection (“Privacy Policy”).

This Privacy Policy describes the practices regarding the information collected by Fundación San Genaro, or its service providers, through the Website or application operated and controlled by Fundación San Genaro. By providing us with personal data through this page, you accept the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. The Fundación San Genaro website, including all the information and materials it contains, is managed by Fundación San Genaro. The Fundación San Genaro website refers to or any other website managed by Fundación San Genaro to which this Privacy Policy applies.

As the data controller, Fundación San Genaro ensures that its internal database processes comply with the legal obligations of security and confidentiality imposed by Law No. 25.326 on Personal Data Protection, ensuring the access, update, deletion, or correction of data by its owner (Articles 14 and 15 of Law 25.326).


For the interpretation of the terms used in the Policy and the regulations, they will be understood according to Article 2 of Law 25.326:

Datos sensibles: Datos personales que revelan origen racial y étnico, opiniones políticas, convicciones religiosas, filosóficas o morales, afiliación sindical e información referente a la salud o a la vida sexual.

- File, Register, Database, or Data Bank: Organized set of personal data subject to treatment or processing, electronic or otherwise, regardless of its formation, storage, organization, or access modality.

- Data Processing: Systematic operations and procedures, electronic or otherwise, that allow the collection, storage, organization, modification, relation, evaluation, blocking, destruction, and generally the processing of personal data, as well as its transfer to third parties through communications, consultations, interconnections, or transfers.

- Data Controller: Natural or legal person, public or private, who owns a file, register, database, or data bank.

Datos informatizados: Los datos personales sometidos al tratamiento o procesamiento electrónico o automatizado.
Titular de los datos: Toda persona física o persona de existencia ideal con domicilio legal o delegaciones o sucursales en el país, cuyos datos sean objeto del tratamiento al que se refiere la presente ley.

-Data User: Any person, public or private, who arbitrarily processes data, either in their own files, registers, or databases or through connections with them.

- Data Disassociation: Any processing of personal data so that the obtained information cannot be associated with an identified or identifiable person.

- Data Collection for Advertising Purposes: In the case of collecting addresses, distributing documents, direct advertising or sales, and other similar activities, data that can establish specific profiles for promotional, commercial, or advertising purposes; or establish consumption habits, as long as it involves publicly accessible documents or data provided by the holders themselves or obtained with their consent.

- Cyberactivist: Refers to those who have signed up for at least one of our Cyberactivism and/or Mobile Activism lists.


By using any Fundación San Genaro website or application, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. Fundación San Genaro may change these terms occasionally. Each time you use the Fundación San Genaro website, the terms of the Privacy Policy will govern according to any modifications introduced occasionally.

What kind of information do we collect and store?

The type and volume of information we receive and store depend on how you use the Fundación San Genaro website. You can access most pages without revealing your identity or any personal data. During your visits to the Fundación San Genaro website, our servers store anonymous log files that provide valuable information to improve the sites in the future.

We do not collect information that identifies the person visiting the Fundación San Genaro website (such as name, address, phone number, or email address) unless the user decides to provide it, for example, by expressing interest in joining Fundación San Genaro or making a donation, signing a petition or action by email, or subscribing to our email updates. If you apply for a job or volunteer at Fundación San Genaro, we will collect the necessary information to process your application and evaluate your suitability for the position.

How do we use the collected information?

Fundación San Genaro and its service providers will store your personal data in a secure environment, treat it as confidential data, and use it only for the purposes for which it was provided or as indicated on the Fundación San Genaro website as required to fulfill our legal obligations. For example, personal data provided to make a donation will be used to process that donation, and personal data provided to express interest in joining Fundación San Genaro will be used to send you information about Fundación San Genaro, as expressed.

In compliance with Articles 2, 7, and 8 of Law 25.326, Fundación San Genaro will not request information that is incompatible with the purpose of its activities, nor that directly or indirectly reveals sensitive data (such as data revealing racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, ideological, or moral convictions, trade union membership, information concerning health or sexual life), except for data strictly necessary for the preparation of personal files of employees and collaborators or records of donors, volunteers, and/or suppliers.

In compliance with Law 25.326, its regulatory decree, and DNPDP Disposition 10/2008, it is informed that the personal data you have provided will be part of the Fundación San Genaro database, which has been duly registered with the National Directorate for Personal Data Protection and is committed to treating it in an absolutely confidential manner.


Fundación San Genaro takes and maintains all necessary measures to ensure the security of your provided personal information, implementing the necessary internal technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, and striving by all means to prevent unauthorized access, in compliance with Disposition 11/06.

We adopt appropriate security measures to ensure that we store your data securely, accurately, and up-to-date, and that we only keep it to the extent that is reasonable and necessary. However, due to the current state of technology, Fundación San Genaro cannot guarantee 100% that unauthorized access will never occur.

Transfer of personal data

The personal data you provide will not be sold or rented and will not be provided to third parties unless you give us your permission or we are required by law to disclose such information, or in the following circumstances:

  1. Hosting and processing: third-party service providers host the Fundación San Genaro website; therefore, all personal information you provide through the website may be processed by that third-party service provider. We may also use third parties to process your personal data. For example, that third party may process your personal data to handle your expression of interest in joining Fundación San Genaro, process donations to Fundación San Genaro on our behalf, or process and send information to people who sign our online actions and/or decide to subscribe to our electronic updates. All these third-party service providers will process your personal information only on behalf of Fundación San Genaro and are bound by strict privacy and confidentiality conditions, including those provided in the section "Data Processing Services by Third Parties" below
  2. Payment processing and fraud: If submitted, card data may be communicated to relevant banks or financial institutions to process payments. When a transaction is suspected to be fraudulent, card data may be communicated to other instances solely to carry out further checks (for example, to a credit reference agency).

The communication of personal data described above may involve the transfer of such information outside of Argentina.

Use of cookies

A cookie is a text-only information string that a website transfers to your computer's hard drive so that the site can remember who you are. Typically, a cookie will contain the name of the originating Internet domain, the cookie's expiry date, and a value, usually a randomly generated unique number. You can restrict or block cookies by setting your Internet browser options. More information can be found at this link:

Advertising or direct marketing activities

According to Article 27 of Law 25.326 and Dispositions 10/08 and 04/09, any form and/or any other document through which direct marketing activity is carried out must include the following clauses: - "The owner of personal data has the right to access them free of charge at intervals of not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is demonstrated as provided in Article 14, paragraph 3 of Law No. 25.326."

- "The NATIONAL DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION, the controlling body of Law No. 25.326, has the authority to address complaints and claims regarding the violation of personal data protection regulations."

- "The owner of personal data has the right to exercise the right to withdraw or block their name from the database. Moreover, when sending unsolicited or previously unapproved direct advertising communications, it must be prominently stated that it is a marketing action."

Data processing services by third parties

According to Article 25 of Law 25.326 and Decree 1558/2001, in the case of personal data processing by third parties, a contract must be signed establishing that the third party may not apply or use the data for purposes other than those specified in the service contract, nor transfer it to other persons. It must also provide that once the contractual service is fulfilled, the processed personal data must be destroyed, unless express authorization is given when further orders are presumed possible, in which case it may be stored with proper security conditions for up to two years.

Such contracts must contain the security levels provided for in Law 25.326 and complementary regulations, as well as the obligations arising for the lessees regarding the confidentiality and reservation they must maintain about the obtained information.

Furthermore, such a contract must specify, in particular: (i) that the data processor only acts following the data controller's instructions; (ii) that the obligations of Article 9 of Law No. 25.326 also apply to the data processor.

Access to your personal data

The owner of personal data has the right to access their data free of charge at intervals of not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is demonstrated as provided in Article 14, paragraph 3 of Law No. 25.326. The National Directorate for Personal Data Protection, the controlling body of Law No. 25.326, has the authority to address complaints and claims regarding the violation of personal data protection regulations.

If you wish to access your personal data held by us to modify it or, in some circumstances, object to our processing, or if you have any questions about this policy, please contact: Fundación San Genaro Malaver 3502 Vicente López (Buenos Aires) Argentina

You can also write to us at [email protected]

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